Well, dear, oh dear, NewChapter,
You have some rather harsh words against me, though I've never aimed to hurt you at all, quite the contrary. I hope you will bear with me while I reply.
"First he must convince everyone that they are sinners" - Sorry, NewChapter, but you've got the wrong man, that is the work of the Holy Spirit, "When he comes (ie the Holy Spirit) he will convince the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgement to come. Of sin, because they believe not on me. (John 16:8,9). And to be convinced of sin there must be some willingness to be convinced, "For everyone that does evil hates the light, neither comes to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. (John 3:20) It would be sad, though, to hear of people who are dying of a terrible disease to refuse to go to the doctor simply because they don't want to hear any bad news. What a tragedy when anyone prefers the comfort of their sins than the real comfort of deliverance from sin. It seems people choose not to believe on Christ because they want to hang on to sin, not because of intellectual reasons.
So I am a snake oil salesman? I looked this up in the dictionary:
"Snake oil - a product that has been proved to not live up to its marketing hype". Proved? But am I not right in saying that you haven't tried my Biblical Christianity, so how can you possibly know? You have no proof; you do not know. I have tried it, and proved it does work, so have many million others, including probably at least some of your grandparents, great grand parents and great great grandparents. (I am musing if you are, by your own reckoning, offspring of a long line of snake oil salesmen and saleswomen.) Do you not also imply I am making money out of this? After all, that is what salesmen do. But I haven't made a penny out of my Christianity, and nor am I seeking any from anyone on this site. ... in fact, quite the opposite, my beliefs cost me rather a lot of money and no small amount of time.
Many on this site have been conned by the snake oil salesmen of the Watchtower, selling their very dodgy false doctrines, and even been snake oil salesmen themselves. You might have been a snake oil salesman yourself in the past: I don't hold it against you; and am glad you have at least seen as much light as to get you out of the WTS. Perhaps for some time, when the light was dawning for you, you were promoting even what you knew to be a lie. I expect some have, and some on this site have admitted as much. If you did such I don't hold that against you either. But you say you are not a sinner, so I'm sure you didn't do such an unsavoury thing.
Please don't tar all Bible-based faiths with the same brush. Why do so many cults use the Bible as their main book (or at least pretend it is so)? Is it not simply because the Bible is clearly very different from any other book, even at least highly suggestive of being of divine origin? Why don't more cults start with the Qu'ran, or some book of the Hindu faith? The Bible is different, there are clear marks of its being from God. What am I driving at? One of the Bible-based faiths must be right. I believe that one to be classic Bible-believing Christianity.
"Be warned, I and others take it very seriously when someone comes here threatening people with hellfire." I must say I'm dumbfounded with this one. Can you please tell me why you have written this? Have I so much as mentioned hellfire, anywhere !! at all !! ?? Please show me the place. As for "threatening people", NewChapter, your fingers started overheating when you were typing this, surely they got carried away by themselves.
But do I believe in hellfire? Well, I don't know that I have been pushing that at all, here. I can't remember even mentioning it here. But I do believe it, the world would make no sense without it. How could a God of love allow all the wickedness against defenceless people, especially women and children, go forever unpunished? There is so much wickedness that will never be found out by men, but God knows. There is other wickedness that is found out, but false judges proclaim the wicked innocent, and the innocent they proclaim as guilty. Who could be happy to think that so much wickedness will never be punished, either here or hereafter??
And how could He allow people to go unpunished who just ignore the hand that feeds them day in and day out, week in, week out, year in year out? even rebelling against Him and hating Him, without any good cause?
So I have a sick version of God? Please tell me how my version of God differs from the version of God proclaimed in the Holy Scriptures and I promise you I will thank you and change my views immediately. I simply believe in the God who has it written in His Word "He that believes on the Son has everlasting life; and he that believes not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him." John 3:36.
If that is a sick version of God for you then that is a great tragedy, because He is the true God, the one who is revealed in his Son who went about doing all those wonderful miracles of kindness and goodness, and offering pardon to anyone who simply turns back to him in faith and repentance. To say that He is not the Son of God, and that the Bible is not the Word of God, I think you have to really make a big effort of unbelief to arrive at either of these views.
Though you might not be interested in finding true religion and the forgiveness of sins there are others who do. I write hoping to be a small help to them.